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Returning From Our Long Winter's Nap
When I returned from our long winter's nap yesterday, I asked Heather, one of our busiest bakers during the holidays, how she was doing? Her reply was “I feel like I have a baking hangover.” I had never heard our collective feelings on the return to work better expressed.
The intensity and the amazing way everyone executed their jobs can exceed even their own expectations. Instead of baking one pan of brownies in a day it was four, instead of rolling out fourteen trays of cookies it was forty. We amaze ourselves when we are focused and motivated. It seems like it would be so easy to come back to a lighter load, but for three long full weeks we felt like super people with super strength. It was so satisfying to provide all of our customers with as much of the hand-crafted products that you wanted during the holidays. But that kind of intensity cannot be sustained.
We may all look to you like kids that just woke up on a Saturday after a long hard week at school. I too arrived sleepy-eyed and directionless on my first day back, but by the end of the day, I found a spark that started a fire in me for 2022. There will be new recipes to discover, new events, new designs for the cakes and cookies and always new staff that bring something fresh to our mix. Sometimes a new employee’s special gifts and personalities can refresh an entire department.
If you see us staring off into space a little too long, look at us as if we were a family of bears waking from hibernation. It may take us a week or two, but before long Valentine’s Day will be knocking on our creative doors for you and we will be all in.
Sharon Butler
P.S. - Thanks you for all your patience over the holiday season. Your affection and appreciation are why we do what we do.