Blog Entries - Aug. 2016

Peggy O'Malley
August 19, 2016
Recently a childhood neighbor of mine stopped in at The Bonbonerie and asked to see me. There was a glimmer of her childhood self in her face, but I hadn’t seen her in 50 years (that is something older people...

Handyman Badge
August 8, 2016
The Handyman Badge I imagine for some people the idea of owning a bakery is a dreamy idea. In this dream the day probably starts just as the sun begins to rise. I make a cup of coffee, and arrive at the bakery to...

Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
August 4, 2016
Did you know that it is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day today?? Stop by Channel 19 at 9:45 am today to see our lovely cookie baker Heather talking about your favorite BonBonerie treats. Then stop by the bakery to pick up some cookies!!