Artists and Talented Staff Revealed

The good (and bad) thing about our business is that it attracts a lot of artists. We often don’t even realize how deeply they are working on their dreams while working alongside us. At present there are three artists among our staff that definitely have something to be proud of.
The other day I took the opportunity to visit the present show at one of my favorite galleries in town, Manifest Gallery in East Walnut Hills. When I entered the last gallery space, I saw Ed Erdmann’s name above a series of paintings. “Wait,” I thought, “I think that’s our Ed Erdmann”, presently a member of the cake production team. I had no idea that Ed’s work was being exhibited at Manifest even though I knew he had been chosen as a Scholar in Residence at Manifest and recently asked to renew that position for another year. Amazing energy, commitment and talent. We’re lucky to have him here.
I share an office with Kelly Morton, our Marketing Director, who recently gave me a heads up that the play she has written, The Butterfly Heist, had been chosen to be performed at Know Theatre’s Fringe Fest this year. Not only that, but according to Citybeat, it has already been awarded the honor of one of their Picks of the Fringe. That’s quite an accomplishment. Some of the performances have already sold out. Today I purchased a few tickets for Tuesday’s performance. Another hidden talent within our walls.
Finally, I am sorry to see Jasimine leave us. She been such a wonderful cook for the Café. She has made everything from quiche to soups with aplomb, but she has finally been hired to do what she has dreamed about since she started here and that’s to be an actor. She was recently hired for an ArtsWave grant-funded production of Troof and Sketchconciliation to be performed on July 18th, at The Freedom Center and will also be performing in Derek Snow’s film, Silas, the Uninvited. I look forward to seeing her at her new job.
I am amazed at all the talents and aspirations that our staff possess. The same Kelly that wrote The Butterfly Heist creates a monthly newsletter for our staff called “The BonBonicle”. Each month she introduces us to someone within our staff. It’s not always the arts. I learned that Heather, our head cookie baker, has a huge commitment to helping the homeless community. Another month, I learned that Allison, the head of our wedding cake department, has walked the entire Appalachian Trail.
If I’ve learned anything over my many years here, it’s that we humans are a fascinating lot. I love that our co-workers are living these very complex and interesting lives. So much energy, so much talent, so much hard work besides making BonBonerie the success that it is each day. I thank each and every one of them for choosing to work with us while on their journey somewhere else. Good Luck to all of you!
Sharon Butler
You can find Ed Erdmann's work at Manifest Gallery in East Walnut Hills and at his website here.
Tickets for Kelly Morton's Fringe show The Butterfly Heist are available at the link here. For updates about the show, follow The Butterfly Heist Facebook page.
Tickets for Jasimine's Troof and Sketchconciliation are not yet released, but will be posted on the Freedom Center's event page when available. Information about Silas, the Uninvited can be found via Missing Plate Productions.